Fast Solutions

  • FLAC2D features significant enhancements for modeling solution run times through multi-threading and algorithms to improve performance on modern hardware configurations. This includes for the mechanical, fluid, and thermal solutions; attach logic; and FISH scripting. The speed gains become greater for larger, more complicated meshes.
  • To take full advantage of multi-threaded FISH, a new LIST data type, SPLITTING syntax, and OPERATORS have been added, resulting in much faster execution of functions.
  • Implicit solvers for saturated-fluid flow and thermal calculations have been implemented for much faster analyses. Fast analytical temperature calculation for specified sources has also been implemented.
  • Maxwell Damping, an improved form of damping, is now available for zones, structures, and deformable links. With Maxwell damping, FLAC2D is a dynamics dynamo - making the analyses of large 2D site response and soil-structure interaction practical, while maintaining the high accuracy FLAC2D is known for.

  • Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9 Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9, revolutionizing the way we analyze and predict...
  • 6th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling The next Itasca Symposium will take place June 3 - 6, 2024, in Toronto, Canada....

25 2月
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the ...
11 3月
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectives of the training: •Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve•Know how to manipul...
26 3月
Python in Itasca Software